
DENIOS is a global company whose business revolves around the safe storage and handling of hazardous substances, operational safety in the workplace, and environmental protection. DENIOS offers high-quality solutions to a wide range of industries, from transportation and logistics, automotive, mechanical engineering, chemical and pharmaceutical, plastics, and metal processing.


DENIOS plays a crucial role in BatteReverse, particularly by leading Task 3.3, which involves the design and demonstration of safety packaging aimed at protecting lives and the environment by preventing thermal runaways. Additionally, the company is responsible for delivering two prototypes: Deliverable 3.4 (Prototype of the safe and cost-efficient packaging) and Deliverable 3.5 (Prototype of the safe and cost-efficient packaging).


Mohammad Elmeseery


Harun Özedemirc


Udo Roth

Project Manager – Smart Services and Digitalisation

Jan Regtmeier

Director of Innovation and R&D